I Am The Ocean - Chasing Bears And Reading Scriptures Şarkı Sözleri

I Am The Ocean şarkıcısının popüler şarkılarından Chasing Bears And Reading Scriptures şarkısının sözlerini sizlerle paylaşıyoruz. I Am The Ocean - Chasing Bears And Reading Scriptures Şarkı Sözleri sitemize 26 Ekim 2014 Pazar tarihinde admin tarafından eklenmiştir.

I Am The Ocean - Chasing Bears And Reading Scriptures Şarkı Sözleri

Dear you (know who),
Have you ever noticed how all the best flames in your fires are always the ones you see when you're not looking?
Well then I guess you should pay more attention...or is it "less" (attention)
(But to get back to our subject)
Did I fail to mention how I will sit still (at times) and stir myself all up about you
Just beat&break myself into believing "I don't care!".
I can't care; could care, should care, but I don't.
And, now, as much as you know how I'd like to; (well) but I'm gonna say a thing.
(Be)cause you just might be compelled to reciprocate (reciprocate)
...and I don't know if I wanna let myself(s) get&be crushed like:
This and like that (repeat that shit, G).
(I guess I'm really getting to)
I just need to leave, knowing that when I left, I was doing what I love and do best.

Oh, and speaking of crushing and closure:
A well-writ list of (a) slit-wrist composer, created diversion.
A literary aspersion!
Seven letters mathematically returned aversion.

Shit, it's all about priorities...

Orderly, invited cordially, orally or in(g&j)est.
Suppressed&De-pressed upon watermarked pages, etched in colorless bandages and premade excuses.
(Or) chiseled in the drizzled-rain-parched sand.
Sideways, in a foreign hand.
I'm just choking on a steady diet of ecstasy lights...you?
Can you outshine this?
Just tell me... am I that apparently overwhelmed?
Distracted...I seem busy...I dunno...
Either way I breathe, it still goes down the wrong tube.

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