Airbourne - Back In The Game Şarkı Sözleri

Airbourne şarkıcısının popüler şarkılarından Back In The Game şarkısının sözlerini sizlerle paylaşıyoruz. Airbourne - Back In The Game Şarkı Sözleri sitemize 27 Ekim 2014 Pazartesi tarihinde admin tarafından eklenmiştir.

Airbourne - Back In The Game Şarkı Sözleri

Let's play
It's been a hard road but I'm almost home
As the lights fade to black
Hear the roar of the crowd
Ten thousand loud
It's good to be back

Feel the sting the sweat
Of the back of my neck
It's been way too long
Like a ricochet I hit the stage
Lets get it on

I'm back in the game
Breaking hearts again
You better watch out
Coz I'm back in the game
I'm back in the game
Kickin' ass again
No stopping me now
It's like I've never been away
So you better watch out
Coz I'm back in the game
Oh yeah

I'm built to last I'll never crash
I'm invincible tonight
Feel the energy running over me
Like a bolt from the sky
Go another round in another town
I strike and then I'm gone
I'm a high octane hurricane
Let's get it on

I'm back in the game
Breaking hearts again
You better watch out
Coz I'm back in the game
I'm back in the game
Kickin' ass again
No stopping me now
It's like I've never been away
So you better watch out
Coz I'm back in the game
Oh yeah

I'm back in the game
Back in the game
Breaking hearts again
You better watch out
Coz I'm back in the game
I'm back in the game
Kickin' ass again
No stopping me now
It's like I've never been away
So you better watch out
Coz I'm back in the game

Back in the game
Back in the game
Watch out I'm gonna get 'cha
Back in the game
I'm playing to win I'm playing with sin
Back in the game
Don't count me out coz I'll knock you out
I'm back in the game

Airbourne - Back In The Game Şarkı Sözüne Yorum Yaz

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