Alexz Johnson - Waste My Time Şarkı Sözleri

Alexz Johnson şarkıcısının popüler şarkılarından Waste My Time şarkısının sözlerini sizlerle paylaşıyoruz. Alexz Johnson - Waste My Time Şarkı Sözleri sitemize 25 Ekim 2014 Cumartesi tarihinde admin tarafından eklenmiştir.

Alexz Johnson - Waste My Time Şarkı Sözleri

Friends are telling me I lost my mind
When I hooked up with you
Maybe that's true

Said that I'll wake up one day
Asking what did I do
Maybe that's true too

When I'm with you everything's alright
All I know is how I feel
When you're with me

Waste my time, waste my time
Not so sure that I'll be yours
And baby you could be mine
It's all about hanging out
Cause you know how to waste my time

Nothing like an empty day
With nowhere to be
You're right there with me

Laughing as the world goes by
How we let the day
Moving way too fast

Cause when I'm with you I don't really care
What they all want me to be
I just want you beside me

Waste my time, waste my time
Not so sure that I'll be yours
And baby you could be mine
It's all about hanging out
Cause you know how to waste my time

Call me Shay on the M-I-C
When you listenin' to me
You be listenin' to b bumpinTo the rhythm they'll be given
When we hit em with the beats on the streets
Don't forget the way we livin', yo
(Waste my time)
You girl on the other side of the wall
(Waste my time)
I like the way you move your body, and if you fall
(not so sure that I'll be yours)
I'll be the one that's gonna catch you before you hit the ground
(Baby you could be mine)
I'm feeling your sound

It's all about (yeah girl, it's all about)
Hanging out (you know, we hanging out)
Cause you know how to waste my time

Waste my time (wasting my time)
Waste my time (yeah, yeah)
Not so sure that I'll be yours
But baby you could be mine (you could be mine)
It's all about (yeah girl, it's all about)
Hanging out (we hanging out)
Cause you know how to waste my time (wasting my time)
Mmm, you know how to waste my time

Alexz Johnson - Waste My Time Şarkı Sözüne Yorum Yaz

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