Alkaline Trio - 100 Stories Şarkı Sözleri

Alkaline Trio şarkıcısının popüler şarkılarından 100 Stories şarkısının sözlerini sizlerle paylaşıyoruz. Alkaline Trio - 100 Stories Şarkı Sözleri sitemize 27 Ekim 2014 Pazartesi tarihinde admin tarafından eklenmiştir.

Alkaline Trio - 100 Stories Şarkı Sözleri

You`re in the next room sleeping and I`m shouting out a song for you

I shouldn`t wake you over the furnace, but I should swear to someone you`d have loved every note

So dream a good one tonight

I`ll listen to the bad ones when they come

Get up in my ear `till I hear every word

Every turn of your tongue, I will tighten my grip

No one could tell even if I fell 100 stories straight down, down, down

No one could tell even if I fell 100 stories down

I was getting bored with hurting myself

If you fall down enough, well soon enough, you will find hell

It can`t be as� as pretty as we hoped it would be

It`s not even warm here, not even ten degrees

This bed is too big to sleep in, and I`m dying just to feel you breathe

You couldn`t see across the ocean, but I was turning over `till the vampires sleep

So dream a good one tonight

I`ll listen to the bad ones when they come

Get up in my ear `till I hear every word

Every turn of your tongue, I will tighten my grip

No one could tell even if I fell 100 stories straight down, down, down

No one could tell even if I fell 100 stories down

I was getting bored with hurting myself

If you fall down enough, well soon enough, you will find hell

It can`t be as� as pretty as we hoped it would be

It`s not even warm here, not even ten degrees

Dream a good one tonight

Dream a good one tonight

Dream a good one tonight

Dream a good one tonight

I was getting bored with hurting myself

So dream a good one tonight

I was getting bored with hurting myself

So dream a good one tonight

I was getting bored with hurting myself

So dream a good one tonight

I was getting bored with hurting myself

Alkaline Trio - 100 Stories Şarkı Sözüne Yorum Yaz

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