Ambrosia - Rock N' A Hard Place Şarkı Sözleri

Ambrosia şarkıcısının popüler şarkılarından Rock N' A Hard Place şarkısının sözlerini sizlerle paylaşıyoruz. Ambrosia - Rock N' A Hard Place Şarkı Sözleri sitemize 25 Ekim 2014 Cumartesi tarihinde admin tarafından eklenmiştir.

Ambrosia - Rock N' A Hard Place Şarkı Sözleri

I've waited twice as long as any man should
To tell you how I feel
You gathered in my chosen words
And ground them underneath your heel

I asked you for a bit of time,
A little breathin' space
But your gift to me was
A rock n' a hard place,

Rock n' a hard place (leaves a man no place to go),
Rock n' a hard place (ain't no room for love to grow),
Rock n' a hard place, rock n' a hard place

I laid too high a stake on lovin' you, babe,
To let you say goodbye
How could you think I'd last alone?
I can't go on. there's no use tryin
I'm askin' for a second chance,
A little savin' grace
You're leavin' me between
A rock n' a hard place,

Rock n' a hard place (leaves a man no place to go),
Rock n' a hard place (ain't no room for love to grow),
Rock n' a hard place, rock n' a hard place

Won't you tell me why
You're leavin' tonight
Throwin' our love away?
Don't you see my plight?
It just isn't right
To be left this way

I've waited twice as long as any man should
To tell you how I feel
You gathered in my chosen words
And ground them underneath your heel

I asked you for a bit of time,
A little breathin' space
But your gift to me was
A rock n' a hard place,

Rock n' a hard place (leaves a man no place to go),
Rock n' a hard place (ain't no room for love to grow),
Rock n' a hard place, rock n' a hard place

Rock n' a hard place (leaves a man no place to go),
Rock n' a hard place (ain't no room for love to grow),
Rock n' a hard place, rock n' a hard place

Ambrosia - Rock N' A Hard Place Şarkı Sözüne Yorum Yaz

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