Anathema - Memento Mori Şarkı Sözleri

Anathema şarkıcısının popüler şarkılarından Memento Mori şarkısının sözlerini sizlerle paylaşıyoruz. Anathema - Memento Mori Şarkı Sözleri sitemize 25 Ekim 2014 Cumartesi tarihinde admin tarafından eklenmiştir.

Anathema - Memento Mori Şarkı Sözleri

My life's minds plagued by lyssophobia
In a cage solitude locks me in
As the dark blackened walls close in on me
Dementia strikes, there's no turning back

Drowning in the stygian sea
As those voices repeat to me my malediction
Memento Mori
Remember you must die

A gratuitous wrath of violence blots out the light of my mind
For on this night someone must pay for the cost of my life
For me to escape the curse of perdition, this poor, weaker being must receive
As you wince at the action of my sadist ways and cry at the throes of your
moribund state

A Daemon issues your last rites
Paster Noster Upto In Terra
I break, I twist, I burn, I destroy
Memento Mori

As the candle of light that burned in your heart is doused by the grip of
death's hand
Asmodeus, the spirit of lust bears his necrophile ways for the wishes of the
demon in black
My largesse in life should be immortality dislike the weak, mortal humans

But in life theres always death
a multitude are born to be damned
His perdisized body will burn forever
in the scorching flames of Gehenna.

Anathema - Memento Mori Şarkı Sözüne Yorum Yaz

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