Bananarama - Cut Above The Rest Şarkı Sözleri

Bananarama şarkıcısının popüler şarkılarından Cut Above The Rest şarkısının sözlerini sizlerle paylaşıyoruz. Bananarama - Cut Above The Rest Şarkı Sözleri sitemize 1 Kasım 2014 Cumartesi tarihinde admin tarafından eklenmiştir.

Bananarama - Cut Above The Rest Şarkı Sözleri

When she walks down main street
No-one ever passes her by
The cars slow down men turn around
While the other girls are left wondering why

Now give me one good reason
Why they just don't leave her alone
She won't stop or let you take a photograph
But they say, "She's in a class of her own"

I said, "Hey kid, come on down
They might turn your head around
With good loving more or less
Who you trying to impress"

She don't need your good advice
It's just straight ahead, she don't think twice
We all need love I guess
She ain't a cut above the rest

She ain't a cut above the others
No no no no
She ain't a cut above the others
A cut above the rest

She ain't a cut above the others
No no no no
She ain't a cut above the others

Well, it's a false impression
No one takes the time out to try
She might look the part
But in her heart of hearts
Well she's really not so different inside

Hey kid, come on down
They might turn your head around
With good loving more or less
Who you trying to impress

She don't need your good advice
It's just straight ahead, she don't think twice
We all need love I guess
She ain't a cut above the rest

She ain't a cut above the others
No no no no
She ain't a cut above the others
A cut above the rest

She ain't a cut above the others
No no no no
She ain't a cut above the others

I said, "Hey kid, come on down
They might turn your head around
With good loving more or less
Who you trying to impress"

She don't need your good advice
It's just straight ahead, she don't think twice
We all need love I guess
She ain't a cut above the rest

She ain't a cut above the others
No no no no
She ain't a cut above the others
A cut above the rest

She ain't a cut above the others
No no no no
She ain't a cut above the others

She ain't a cut above the others
No no no no
She ain't a cut above the others
A cut above the rest

She ain't a cut above the others
No no no no
She ain't a cut above the others

Bananarama - Cut Above The Rest Şarkı Sözüne Yorum Yaz

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