Bare Infinity - Always Forever Part I Şarkı Sözleri

Bare Infinity şarkıcısının popüler şarkılarından Always Forever Part I şarkısının sözlerini sizlerle paylaşıyoruz. Bare Infinity - Always Forever Part I Şarkı Sözleri sitemize 26 Ekim 2014 Pazar tarihinde admin tarafından eklenmiştir.

Bare Infinity - Always Forever Part I Şarkı Sözleri

Here I'm standing, watching you as you go
Is it ending..? Hell I dont want to know
No, we are never going to break
When the clouds come within
Keep in mind the promise we made
That we are going to be

Always forever in love
Maybe we will rise or we will fall
And as the sands of time change our fate,
Remember our vow to be together, now and forever

Always forever I will love you, I swear to
(Never leave you behind)
We will stay together tonight
Until the end of time
Always forever, a vow I wont leave you
Fighting the world if I have just to make you mine
Just to make you mine

Never ending, pain of being alone
Just pretending, that you are fine on your own
But no, we are never going to break
When the clouds come within
Keep in mind the promise we made
That we are going to be

Always forever in love
Maybe we will rise or we will fall
Always forever I will love you, I swear to
(Never leave you behind)
We will stay together tonight
Until the end of time
Always forever, a vow I wont leave you
Fighting the world if I have just to make you mine
Just to make you mine

Always forever in love
Maybe we will rise or we will fall
Always forever I will love you, I swear to
We will stay together tonight

Always forever in love
Maybe we will rise or we will fall
Always forever I will love you, I swear to
We will stay together tonight
Until the end of time
Always forever, a vow I wont leave you
Fighting the world if I have just to make you mine
Just to make you mine
I never promised you in the world, but the world in me
If you will follow me today, it is for eternity.

Bare Infinity - Always Forever Part I Şarkı Sözüne Yorum Yaz

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