Calexico - Ballad Of Cable Hogue Şarkı Sözleri

Calexico şarkıcısının popüler şarkılarından Ballad Of Cable Hogue şarkısının sözlerini sizlerle paylaşıyoruz. Calexico - Ballad Of Cable Hogue Şarkı Sözleri sitemize 31 Ekim 2014 Cuma tarihinde admin tarafından eklenmiştir.

Calexico - Ballad Of Cable Hogue Şarkı Sözleri

With marianne dissard
I live out yonder where the snakes and scorpions run
Got myself a little goldmine to bank on
But one day my heart sank when I saw madame in town
I knew her love would be the death of mine

L'amour passait, l'amour obsolte
Pourquoi perdre sa vie chercher l'or d'un coeur?
Je ne me noierai pas dans ce dsert mystique
Je ferme mes comptes et je repars
Love is pass and love is obsolete
Some spend their whole lives searching for a heart of gold
I'm tired of treading water in this desert mystique
I'm cashing in my chips before I ride

Do me a favor while I'm hanging here
Take this gold and go and hide
Ne gigote pas, chri, sur ta corde pendu
(don't twist too hard darlin' on your hangin' rope)
Don't worry I'll be free in no time

She promised me she would be there when I'd return
She didn't say she'd have a whole army there as well
She whispered, "j'taime baby" as she fired that gun at me
(it's getting late and I'm running out of time)
I should've stayed way out yonder
Better off with the scorpions and snakes
Every act which has no heart will be found out in the end
Guess I'm a little late this time
Cause her love would be the death of mine

Calexico - Ballad Of Cable Hogue Şarkı Sözüne Yorum Yaz

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