Coal Chamber - El Cu Cuy Şarkı Sözleri

Coal Chamber şarkıcısının popüler şarkılarından El Cu Cuy şarkısının sözlerini sizlerle paylaşıyoruz. Coal Chamber - El Cu Cuy Şarkı Sözleri sitemize 1 Kasım 2019 Cuma tarihinde admin tarafından eklenmiştir.

Coal Chamber - El Cu Cuy Şarkı Sözleri

"There's a point in time where you cant think for yourself" PAULIE SHOTS!
I'm placeable listen to the dreams your dreaming
Untraceable tell me now what are you scheming
I'm placeable to the place that you most fear
Untraceable so help me dear
I'm placeable innate yet surely substantial to repay your fade away
Sweetness smells so sweet at your feet just to repay your fade away
I'm placeable i have no place now
Untraceable to your jaded vows
I'm placeable no more of your face
I'm placeable so help me please
I'm placeable innate yet surely substantial to repay your fade away
Sweetness smells so sweet at your feet just to repay your fade away
Kill the man become the monster
Kill the man become the monster
Kill the man become the monster
Kill the man become the monster
Kill the man become the monster
You are one sick inividual
You are so sincere
I'm the one get under your bed increase your dreams and you know it well
I'm the one get under your bed increase your dreams and you know it well hell
I'm placeable to recognize that you'remost favored
Untraceable so tell me now what are you made of
I'm placeable to place you now where you most fear
Untraceable so help me dear
I'm placeable innate yet surely substantial to repay your fade away
Sweetness smells so sweet at your feet just to repay your fade away
Kill the man become the monster
Kill the man become the monster
Kill the man become the monster
Kill the man become the monster
You are one sick inividual
You are so sincere
I'm the one get under your bed increase your dreams and you know it well
Yeah I'm the one get under your bed increase your dreams and you know it well h
Kill the man become the monster
Kill the man become the monster
Kill the man become the monster
Kill the man become the monster
Kill the man become the monster
Kill the man become the monster
Kill the man become the monster
Kill the man become the monster
Kill the man become the monster
Kill the man become the monster
Kill the man become the monster
so sincere

Coal Chamber - El Cu Cuy Şarkı Sözüne Yorum Yaz

Yorum Yazma Kuralları: Coal Chamber - El Cu Cuy Şarkı Sözleri hakkında yaptığınız yorumlar da hakeret içeren yada onur kırıcı cümleler olmamalıdır. Lütfen sanata saygı çerçevesinde yorum yapınız. Diğer tüm şarkı sözleri yayınlarında olduğu gibi Coal Chamber - El Cu Cuy Şarkı Sözlerine atılan hiçbir hakaret, küfür, argo içeren yorum kabul etmeyecektir. Şarkı Sözlerine göstermiş olduğunuz hassasiyetin tüm şarkı sözleri için geçerli olduğunu unutmayınız.
Coal Chamber - El Cu Cuy Şarkı Sözüne Yapılan Yorumlar

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