Destiny's Child - My Song Şarkı Sözleri

Destiny's Child şarkıcısının popüler şarkılarından My Song şarkısının sözlerini sizlerle paylaşıyoruz. Destiny's Child - My Song Şarkı Sözleri sitemize 11 Kasım 2014 Salı tarihinde admin tarafından eklenmiştir.

Destiny's Child - My Song Şarkı Sözleri

Say lil' mama, wud up whoadi
Say say lil' mama, hey girl
It's Friday, I know
You ain't got no job, you ain't got nothin'
To do so we goin' out

That's my song DJ turn that
Heat up louder you heard me
That's my song DJ a little more
On the volume ya heard me

That's my song DJ you know
Ya goin' hard so don't hurt me
That's my song DJ here come
My favorite part so let's party

I see some hotties standin' out side
In the line waitin' patiently
To get they gangata on.
I see some mommas rockin' Prada take it
From me Christian Dior and wee fatone

Ooh, ooh wee we be rockin' fo'
Deep in the caddy tonight
Ooh, ooh wee we be searchin' for
Our sexy daddies alright

Ooh, ooh wee we be hittin' the club
Downtown we heard it's bumpin'
Ooh, ooh wee we see it's whack so we rollin'
Down the street and we bumpin'

That's my song DJ turn that
Heat up louder you heard me
That's my song DJ a little more
On the volume ya heard me

That's my song DJ you know
Ya goin' hard so don't hurt me
That's my song DJ here come
My favorite part so let's party

I see my partna's to the left
To me beggin' desperately
To hook her up with the brotha
On my right I'm feelin' funny 'cuz

I kinda wish that money to
My right was feelin' me but child it's alright
Ooh, ooh wee we see fellas jockin'
Divas cock blockin'

Ooh, ooh wee we see drinks bein'
Bought fa' sho it's gettin' hot
Ooh, ooh wee we see folks fired up
Get it crunked get it crunked
Ooh, ooh wee we see the party
Erupts as he turned the track up

That's my song DJ turn that
Heat up louder you heard me
That's my song DJ a little more
On the volume ya heard me

That's my song DJ you know
Ya goin' hard so don't hurt me
That's my song DJ here come
My favorite part so let's party

Ooh, ooh wee we see band aid feet
Pinky rings and fake rollies
Ooh, ooh wee we see too many prints
Bandits and ashy knees ooh

Ooh wee we see beautiful people
Havin' a good time
Ooh, ooh wee we see it's 4 o' clock
We back next week the same time

That's my song DJ turn that
Heat up louder you heard me
That's my song DJ a little more
On the volume ya heard me

That's my song DJ you know
Ya goin' hard so don't hurt me
That's my song DJ here come
My favorite part so let's party

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