Hank Williams Jr. - All My Rowdy Friends (have Settled Down) Şarkı Sözleri

Hank Williams Jr. şarkıcısının popüler şarkılarından All My Rowdy Friends (have Settled Down) şarkısının sözlerini sizlerle paylaşıyoruz. Hank Williams Jr. - All My Rowdy Friends (have Settled Down) Şarkı Sözleri sitemize 31 Ekim 2019 Perşembe tarihinde admin tarafından eklenmiştir.

Hank Williams Jr. - All My Rowdy Friends (have Settled Down) Şarkı Sözleri

All my rowdy friends have settled down
And it seems to be more in the laid back songs
Nobody wants to get drunk and get loud
Everybody just wants to go back home

I myself have seen my wilder days
And I have seen my name at the top of the page
But I need to find a friend just to run around
But no one wants to get high on the town
And all my rowdy friends have settled down

And I think I know what my father meant
When he sang about a lost highway and old George Jones
I'm glad to see he's finally getting straight

And Waylon staying home and loving Jesse more these days
And nobody wants to get drunk and get loud
And all my rowdy friends have settled down

And the hang overs hurt more then they used to
And corn bread and ice tea took the place of pills and ninety-proof
And it seems like none of us do things quite like we used to do
And nobody wants to get high on the town
And all my rowdy friends have settled down

Yeah, I think I know what my father meant
When he sang about his lost highway and Johnny Cash
Don't act like he did back in '68

And Kriss, he is a movie star and he's moved off to L.A.
And nobody wants to get drunk and get loud
And all my rowdy friends have settled down

Yeah, me and my rowdy friends have rowdied on down

Hank Williams Jr. - All My Rowdy Friends (have Settled Down) Şarkı Sözüne Yorum Yaz

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