Hot Hot Heat - Island Of The Honest Man Şarkı Sözleri

Hot Hot Heat şarkıcısının popüler şarkılarından Island Of The Honest Man şarkısının sözlerini sizlerle paylaşıyoruz. Hot Hot Heat - Island Of The Honest Man Şarkı Sözleri sitemize 26 Ekim 2014 Pazar tarihinde admin tarafından eklenmiştir.

Hot Hot Heat - Island Of The Honest Man Şarkı Sözleri

I was picked up and then dropped off in a culture counter-clockwise turned around
Dug a hole in Southern Carolina - took me straight to China safe and sound
Donated my map to the lost and found

While working for a common cause I only got a kamikaze state of mind
This self defeating meeting of the minds is eating what was once so hard to find

But right then the clouds parted in the sky
The horizon took us all a little by surprise
Watch the sky
And as the howling winds subsided, the locals ran out, all waving their hands and singing:

Welcome to the island of the honest man
Do what you want - there is no need to impress us
Welcome to the island of the honest man
We don't believe in what the big people tell us
Wait here - stay here

I was picked up and then dropped off in a culture counter-clockwise turned around
Rolled a pair of dice in Paris that got me to paradise all safe and sound.

Stole my temper back from the lost and found
No longer needed to be seated on a sinking ship just waiting there to drown
Jump off now - jump off now
And as they lead us to their village, a thousand voices all started to sing out loud:

Welcome to the island of the honest man
Do what you want - there is no need to impress us
Welcome to the island of the honest man
We don't believe in what the big people tell us
Wait here - stay here

From the sunrise up above to the sunset below, they all sing
Welcome in, welcome back, well come on let's go
And all the people on the island they already know why they sing
Welcome in, welcome back, well come on let's go
From the sunrise up above to the sunset below, they all sing
Welcome in, welcome back, well come on let's go
And all the people on the island they all want to show why they sing
Why they sing, why they sing, why they're singing

Welcome to the island of the honest man
Do what you want - there is no need to impress us
Welcome to the island of the honest man
We don't believe in what the big people tell us

Welcome to the island of the honest man
This is the island of the honest man
Welcome to the island of the honest man
This is the island of the honest man
Wait here - stay here

I was picked up and then dropped off in a culture counter-clockwise turned around

Hot Hot Heat - Island Of The Honest Man Şarkı Sözüne Yorum Yaz

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