Ignite - By My Side Şarkı Sözleri

Ignite şarkıcısının popüler şarkılarından By My Side şarkısının sözlerini sizlerle paylaşıyoruz. Ignite - By My Side Şarkı Sözleri sitemize 13 Kasım 2014 Perşembe tarihinde admin tarafından eklenmiştir.

Ignite - By My Side Şarkı Sözleri

It's a battle all my own
But steadfast right by my side
Best friend I've ever known
You've always had my back

Lost my stability
Straight down bloodied up my face
Pick myself up again
But wind up on two feet

It's a battle all my own
Machinery you can't control
Others complain about their worst
Troubles you wish were your own

As the seasons roll on by
You realize you're getting older
It's a battle all my own
What have I learned?

Best friend I've ever known
The innocence as we've grown
Been beaten down before
Her good luck brings me home

Through good times and between
The bad times made the difference
I slept well constantly
Knowing you'll never leave

There was strangers in our midst
But steadfast right by my side
Had many enemies
You always had my back

It's a battle all my own
Machinery you can't control
Others complain about their worst
Troubles you wish were your own

As the seasons roll on by
You realize you're getting older
It's a battle all my own
What have I learned?

The stares, the glares
The battle and fights
This malice put upon you
Can't be all right

The trouble, the ill intent
I'm sorry for you
Never yet again
Rearranging the truth

She holds my head up high
When I can't see
She fills my mind with thoughts
Good memories

She shuts me up
When I'm screaming angry
She gives me guidance
When I have no peace

You stayed in my corner to fight
Stayed by my side, I'm so tired
Stayed by my wrongs
And by my rights

It's a battle all my own
Machinery you can't control
Others complain about their worst
Troubles you wish were your own

As the seasons roll on by
You realize you're getting older
It's a battle all my own
What have I learned?

Ignite - By My Side Şarkı Sözüne Yorum Yaz

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