Ill Fletch - Last Forever Şarkı Sözleri

Ill Fletch şarkıcısının popüler şarkılarından Last Forever şarkısının sözlerini sizlerle paylaşıyoruz. Ill Fletch - Last Forever Şarkı Sözleri sitemize 31 Ekim 2019 Perşembe tarihinde admin tarafından eklenmiştir.

Ill Fletch - Last Forever Şarkı Sözleri

whoooahhh yeaaa
take a second can you just breathe for me
you know I won't let you fall let you fall
take a look and tell me what you see when you look at me
you know I am gonna love you forever (love you forever)
I'm gon' hug you closer than all your clothes
and I'll know just what to say what to say
take a look and if you notice I'm not around you
If I'm without you, know that I miss you
baby you're my only girl (only girl)
only world (only one i'll ever know ever know even though they'll try to tempt me
they'll try to get me but they don't know me they'll never know me like you can)
I want this time (this time we're spendin') to last forever (no past, no ending)
you don't know how (how much I love you)
you can't imagine (this love this magic)
when you say my name like a melody and I float around the room 'round the room
stumblin' trippin' overthings that I should've seen
lookin' like I'm gonna love you forever (love you forever)
don't you ever worry you're safe with me and I'll fight whoever gets in my way
Take a look and if you notice I'm not around you
if I'm without you know that i'll miss you
baby you're my only girl (only girl)
only world (only one i'll ever know ever know even though they'll try to tempt me
they'll try to get me but they don't know me they'll never know me like you can)
I want this time (this time we're spendin') to last forever (no past, no ending)
you don't know how (how much I love you) (no you don't)
you can't imagine (this love this magic) (magic)
only girl (only girl)
only world (only one i'll ever know ever know even though they'll try to tempt me
they'll try to get me but they don't know me they'll never know me like you can)
only girl (only girl)
only world (only one i'll ever know ever know even though they'll try to tempt me
they'll try to get me but they don't know me they'll never know me like you can)
I want this time to last forever (this love this magic)

Ill Fletch - Last Forever Şarkı Sözüne Yorum Yaz

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