Incursed - Svolder's Battle Şarkı Sözleri

Incursed şarkıcısının popüler şarkılarından Svolder's Battle şarkısının sözlerini sizlerle paylaşıyoruz. Incursed - Svolder's Battle Şarkı Sözleri sitemize 26 Ekim 2014 Pazar tarihinde admin tarafından eklenmiştir.

Incursed - Svolder's Battle Şarkı Sözleri

Would you like to hear my song?
Would you believe my words?
About king Olaf Tryggvason,
the subject of this song.

Dance resounds in the halls,
Dance! – Form a ring.
Brave Norwegians ride
to Hildur's thing.

The king had a vessel built
on the level sand.
The Serpent was the largest ship
built on Norwegian lands.

Eric left the sandy beach,
ran down to the pier:
'Be prepared to leave the beach
the Serpent is now here!”

They all saw the Serpent come
sailing proud and bold.
The rigging was a sail of silk,
the bows were made of gold.

Wolf the Red stood in the bows,
he never got it wrong:
'Don't shoot the ship to much ahead,
the Serpent is too long”.

King Olaf stood up in the stern
staring back and forth:
'Who owns all these mighty ships
steering at our port?”

Herning looks out on the ships,
answers to his call:
'They belong to Eric the Earl,
the bravest of them all”

The king of Denmark stormed ahead
convinced that he could win.
Norwegians, they fought so hard!
the Danish lines were thin.

Smoke raised from fighting men,
blood poured in the sea.
It turned out that all the Danes
had to back and flee.

Eric jumped onboard the Serpent
with his sword in hand.
Herning rushed down from the stern,
med him with his brand.

The king shouted from the stern,
through the noise and rattle:
'Jump into the sea, my men!
We have lost this battle”

Then the king and all his men,
-although brave and bold-
jumped into the salty sea,
they did as they were told.

Incursed - Svolder's Battle Şarkı Sözüne Yorum Yaz

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