Infernal Gates - Greet The Storm Şarkı Sözleri

Infernal Gates şarkıcısının popüler şarkılarından Greet The Storm şarkısının sözlerini sizlerle paylaşıyoruz. Infernal Gates - Greet The Storm Şarkı Sözleri sitemize 26 Ekim 2014 Pazar tarihinde admin tarafından eklenmiştir.

Infernal Gates - Greet The Storm Şarkı Sözleri

- Greet the storm - (Jonas Gustafson)

Await the sight of my dreams.
Medieval treasures revealed.

"My hands caress the pearls of time.
I gaze at my shallow grave.
The deepest well calls my name.
I shall walk in the temple of kings."

Dying... seemed so calm and still,
but now foreseen another realm.

Daybreak, greet the storm, the vengeance of lords.
You will see what I saw on the day of the war.
Blood-rain fell from the sky.
Angels were killed by our Emperors wrath.
Fire, mighty horns of darkness... they fear.
Death will be what I saw on the day of the war.
Blood-rain fell from the sky.
Angels were killed by our Emperors wrath.

Pride always glows in our eyes...
...never looked back when they cried.
"Dawn... eternal shrine,
the secrets arise."

Ride, knights, tales of the battles we've won.
Once, our warrior blood were denied.
"Mourn, the first sign of the hawk,
your fragile god has died."

Daybreak, greet the storm, the vengeance of lords.
You will see what I saw on the day of the war.
Blood-rain fell from the sky.
Angels were killed by our Emperors wrath.
Fire, mighty horns of darkness... they fear.
Death will be what I saw on the day of the war.
Blood-rain fell from the sky.
Angels were killed by our Emperors wrath.

Wander the pathway crowned.
A journey of crimson tides.
"Drenched and cold...
in the beautiful midnight frost,
they died."

Sleep, find, a labyrinth formed by thoughts.
Thorns under a mystic moon.
"Weep... By the wounds from our faith,
your fragile god has died."

The golden circle, the earth within,
holds the darkest shadow of my bliss.
Now in the magical mist of dreams,
I cherish the face of glory...

Daybreak, greet the storm, the vengeance of lords.
You will see what I saw on the day of the war.
Blood-rain fell from the sky.
Angels were killed by our Emperors wrath.

Flow... The dark always flows in me.

Infernal Gates - Greet The Storm Şarkı Sözüne Yorum Yaz

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