Ingested - Cremated Existence Şarkı Sözleri

Ingested şarkıcısının popüler şarkılarından Cremated Existence şarkısının sözlerini sizlerle paylaşıyoruz. Ingested - Cremated Existence Şarkı Sözleri sitemize 26 Ekim 2014 Pazar tarihinde admin tarafından eklenmiştir.

Ingested - Cremated Existence Şarkı Sözleri

Burning rivers of liquid flesh, saturated foul stench of death.
Barren wasteland corpse's scattered, human bodies festered dismembered.
Rising, kill count, a world torn from the ashes of humanity.
The screams of pain echo across forgotten plains.
Blood, drenching sun bleached skeletons.
Sky is turning red, world hung out and fucking bled.
Desolate remains, souls eviscerated.
Time, can't cleanse the stains, humans annihilated.
Scorching corpses, charred stench of roasted flesh.
The smell is sickening, immolate.
Unknowing, cremation, with the force of a thousand violations.
Barbaric, loss of life, remnants burnt offerings.
Incinerate, cremated existence.
Rising, kill count, a world born from the ashes of humanity.
The screams of pain echo across forgotten dead landscapes.
Blood, drenching sun bleached skeletons.
Sky is turning red, world hung out, and fucking bled.
Nothing left but mountains of corpses.
Bodies of sinners, lie with bodies of angels.
The cure for the disease, eradication of humanity.
Burning rivers of liquid flesh, new soil formed from the bodies of the dead.

Ingested - Cremated Existence Şarkı Sözüne Yorum Yaz

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