Ini Kamoze - Pull Up The Cork Şarkı Sözleri

Ini Kamoze şarkıcısının popüler şarkılarından Pull Up The Cork şarkısının sözlerini sizlerle paylaşıyoruz. Ini Kamoze - Pull Up The Cork Şarkı Sözleri sitemize 1 Kasım 2014 Cumartesi tarihinde admin tarafından eklenmiştir.

Ini Kamoze - Pull Up The Cork Şarkı Sözleri

Pull up the cork and pour it on
'Tis the beginning of a new dawn
Bring in the wheat and bring in the corn
Inhibition is going, going, gone, all gone, gone

Some people want to say it isn't good for me
Hear wha dem seh
"How can ya talk when ya don't have a talk degree?"
Hey, but I don't need no glasses to see, no
How to juggle, to come out of any melee

Hey, pull up the cork and pour it on
'Tis the beginning of a new dawn
Bring in the wheat and bring in the corn
Inhibition is going, going, gone, all gone, gone

Another 'tician is giving another address
In my condition, oh, I can't deal with no distress
Seems to me you will agree we need another hero
Someone to front it, bigger than a Geronimo

Pull up the cork and pour it on
'Tis the beginning of a new dawn
First the wheat and then now the corn
Inhibition is going, going, gone

Some people would say it isn't good for me
Hear wha dem seh
"How can ya talk when ya don't have a talk degree?"
But I don't need no glasses to see, no
How to juggle to come out of any melee

Hey, pull up the cork and pour it on
'Tis the beginning of a new dawn
Bring in the wheat and bring in the corn
Prohibition is going, going, gone, all gone, gone

Pull up the cork and pour it on
'Tis the beginning of a new dawn
Bring in the wheat and bring in the corn
All the stoppers have, they're going, going, gone

Pull up the cork
'Tis a beginning
Bring in the wheat

Pull up the cork
'Tis a beginning
Bring in the wheat
All the stoppers have

Pull up the cork
Bring in the wheat
'Tis a beginning
All the stoppers have, gone, gone, all gone

Pull up the cork
'Tis a beginning of

Ini Kamoze - Pull Up The Cork Şarkı Sözüne Yorum Yaz

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Ini Kamoze - Pull Up The Cork Şarkı Sözüne Yapılan Yorumlar

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