Innzmouth - Lovecraft's Dreams Şarkı Sözleri

Innzmouth şarkıcısının popüler şarkılarından Lovecraft's Dreams şarkısının sözlerini sizlerle paylaşıyoruz. Innzmouth - Lovecraft's Dreams Şarkı Sözleri sitemize 26 Ekim 2014 Pazar tarihinde admin tarafından eklenmiştir.

Innzmouth - Lovecraft's Dreams Şarkı Sözleri

He was blinded by the curse that roamed within the shadows of creation
Paralyzed by the shades of starry wisdom that opened an ancient void before his eyes
Trembled by the extraneous visions which were seeded inside his mind
It forced him to transfer these visions into tales of blasphemous horror
To place the the seed of lurking fears into the heart of man
Creation was reversed . As it no longer represented the biblical tale of infinite paradise
It transformed into the hands of those …

'Who inhabited the times before time …

(His flesh rips of his flesh)
Those of the horror from below
(His flesh rips of his flesh)
It rises .. It rises …
It will kill us all (the horror) …

(From his chest with a foul hunger)
From unspeakable aeons of time before time

(His flesh rips of his flesh)
It rises and it will rise …

(His flesh rips of his flesh)
The horror of all horrors

(His flesh rips of his flesh)

To devour the existence of this creation

(From his chest with a foul hunger)

It rises … It rises … It will rise ...
(His flesh … his flesh with a foul hunger)”

His body starts contorting as appendages start growing,
Gnashing teeth ripped out from his chest with a foul hunger for more flesh, his fresh tentacles
rips off his flesh chunk by chunk to satisfy his new organs.
Horrendous chanting of unspeakable words were forming on his decaying body, binding him to
the old ways, screaming with madness as he was being reborn into this nightmare world ...

"What Am I gonna do ? ... "
"These horrors are just unspeakable ..."
"It can't be real ... It can't be that way..."
"They are not dead ... They are going to …"
Rise …

Innzmouth - Lovecraft's Dreams Şarkı Sözüne Yorum Yaz

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