Insision - Unbind My Hands Şarkı Sözleri

Insision şarkıcısının popüler şarkılarından Unbind My Hands şarkısının sözlerini sizlerle paylaşıyoruz. Insision - Unbind My Hands Şarkı Sözleri sitemize 26 Ekim 2014 Pazar tarihinde admin tarafından eklenmiştir.

Insision - Unbind My Hands Şarkı Sözleri

... but the pain persists. Morning breaks its stillborn rays upon my skin.
Is this a new day, or is it the same. Pillow soaked in sweat.
They are making the shadows twirl in the sealing, so hungry for more.
I am in great need of the catalyst. Still I'm stuck here... staring at the ceiling.
I'll consume you all! ... and this ominous dream.
Teeth piercing from withni... I'll let it out... repeatedly stabbing me from the inside.>

Mental surgery, revile and devour
I am the shield, the spear and the knife
I plant seeds of death inside open wounds
The clock keeps ticking, and time is at hand
I'm absorbing the host
I am infested, disease in my veins
I'm absorbing the host
I am infested, killing the spirit
Anti-God, Spiritus, Morning star, Lucifer
As the bow before you
I stand tall, Anti-God, Spiritus, Morning star, King of kings
As we pray for your coming
Suffering offers a new sight, a vision of new life... before control
was denied - Control denied!
I plant seeds of death inside open wounds
Tables are turned, and time is at hand
Anti-God, Spiritus, Morning star, Lucifer
As they bow before you
I Stand tall, Anti-God, Spiritus, Morning star, King of Kings,
As we pray for your coming
Superior Anti-God
Satan - So enormous, and so great

Suffering offers a new sight, a vision of your life... and you are now denied
A silent demise, as your saviour once again is standing you down
Anti-God!! See me!
See me now, Anti-God, Spiritus, Morning star, Lucifer
As they bow before you
I stand tall, Anti-God, Spiritus, Morning star, Kings of kings
As I pray for your coming
Anti-God!! Stand tall!

Insision - Unbind My Hands Şarkı Sözüne Yorum Yaz

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