Inspired By You - Dear Diary Şarkı Sözleri

Inspired By You şarkıcısının popüler şarkılarından Dear Diary şarkısının sözlerini sizlerle paylaşıyoruz. Inspired By You - Dear Diary Şarkı Sözleri sitemize 9 Kasım 2014 Pazar tarihinde admin tarafından eklenmiştir.

Inspired By You - Dear Diary Şarkı Sözleri

Sometimes I sit alone, and carve our children's names into the concrete because
a love like our's is already, set in stone. So sharing secrets will never grow
old. My love for you is endless, whisper than walk away. Monuments of an
undying devotion no longer measured by the miles between who we were and who we
grew to be. From beneath the city skies, we find the meaning of life. In an
instant we'll find ourselves buried knee deep in all of our hopes dreams and
failures. And may we dream forever and ever and ever. Hand in hand we'll find
comfort in all of our misery. The moment I heard you say, "forever and always"
it was the day, i found a reason to scream towards the heavens. True love found
me on a thursday afternoon wide eyed and ready to accept the notion of holding
on, to a steady heartbeat. So listen to my heartbeat, it will sing you to
sleep. Our memories are nothing, without you and me. We'll die young and
beautiful, but angels dont watch over angels. No one is perfect. Now realize
each of our scars, they could never keep us apart. Tonight we'll pledge eternal
love and end our generation as they'll continue to fuck every skeleton, within
our closets. Loved ones left chasing shadows and the worst is yet to come. Kiss
me, we'll never hurt again as we drown in remembrance. My love, I call your
name as were swallowed whole, but never fear what you can't see. Never trust
what you may never feel. Replace the ghost of our abandoned souls with pain. "I
love you!" she said," In hell we will find ourselves entrenched in flames, but
never apart". As soulmates for the soulless, seeking tonight, we walk the city
skies hoping to find the heavens we once left behind. In every fear I've placed
faith and I found the reason why this world of suffering coincides within our
hearts. A struggle to live a life that once was our's. Suffocating, so
suffocate the memories. the statue of what we once worshipped. Only to show the
world that even in death, we will never be apart for all eternity.

Inspired By You - Dear Diary Şarkı Sözüne Yorum Yaz

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