Invocator - The Persistence From Memorial Chasm Şarkı Sözleri

Invocator şarkıcısının popüler şarkılarından The Persistence From Memorial Chasm şarkısının sözlerini sizlerle paylaşıyoruz. Invocator - The Persistence From Memorial Chasm Şarkı Sözleri sitemize 26 Ekim 2014 Pazar tarihinde admin tarafından eklenmiştir.

Invocator - The Persistence From Memorial Chasm Şarkı Sözleri

Back in the days of laughter and fun
We were the perfect to prevent any tears to come
Promising that nothing could ever fail
You weren't ready to receive the final nail
The tiny loss of health would drive someone insane
Fading fast away could only leave some remains
So you meet the fate in which you've never believed
Are you happy now for the things you've achieved?

Now in my mind there's only despair
Could I just go on or did I even care?
Decaying to a world so far from yourself
You're gone by now that's what the rumors tell
The instant kind of pain would drive another insane
Resulted in sending you "The Dying Day"
So you meet the fate in which you've never believed
Are you happy now for the things you've achieved?

The immaterial things you did for me
Reflected in underserved sympathy
Were you certain in the way you acted?
I'm sure it is a brain you lack!
The incessant missing person drove me more insane
Stupidly protecting you from a world of hate
So you meet the fate in which you've never believed
Are you happy now for the things you've achieved?

So my doubt grew fast and more each day
Could I miss one so much or was it meant this way?
Sometimes the chasm of my soul came close
Where were you when I needed you most?
The careless kind of world drove my void insane
But from where should I know that I'd wait in vain?
So I met the fate in which I've never believed
Am I happy now for the things I've achieved?

The anachronism in my carnal thoughts
Gives more depreciation to the dying force
Anxious I prepare the final call
Captious words in my anterior form

The cauterized minds of the ethereal need
Makes me forget how much I for you feel
Inveracity hides in your nicest deeds
The persistence of memorial chasm!!!

Invocator - The Persistence From Memorial Chasm Şarkı Sözüne Yorum Yaz

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