Wemadiliza, wemadiliz' inkani!
iJwanasibeki langenzani!
Wemadiliza, wemadiliz' inkani!
iJwanasibeki langenzani!
Qed' inkani eyamadoda!
iJwanasibeki langenzani -- zabalaza wemfana!
iJwanasibeki langenzani -- wemaqed' inkani!
Blow whistle blow
Down you go alive
The cage is falling
Like a comet in the night
Beads of sweat glisten
In the underground light
Smoulder boudler
Rock reeks fumes
Songs of the outlands
Change colour when shift is due
And you've grown a little older
Seen bone blown smoking blue!
Grow city grow
Ten thousand men below
Bleed the burning womb
Make the sun-rock show
In the wider horizon
Where a million lifetimes flow
And you know the secret
That glitters and glues the best
Like the feathers of a dead bird
That feather the next bird's nest
Johnny Clegg - İjwanasibeki Şarkı Sözüne henüz yorum yapılmamış. Johnny Clegg - İjwanasibeki şarkı sözüne ilk yorumu siz yaparak katkıda bulunabilirsiniz.;