Miley Cyrus - My Heart Beets For Love Şarkı Sözleri

Miley Cyrus şarkıcısının popüler şarkılarından My Heart Beets For Love şarkısının sözlerini sizlerle paylaşıyoruz. Miley Cyrus - My Heart Beets For Love Şarkı Sözleri sitemize 9 Kasım 2014 Pazar tarihinde admin tarafından eklenmiştir.

Miley Cyrus - My Heart Beets For Love Şarkı Sözleri

I've been stranded on a lonely street
Got lost in the shadows
Fell hard in the battle
The cries and the suffering
I walked through the darkness
Left broken and heartless

I'm calling out, can you hear my voice?
I'm gonna find you through all the noise, oh whoa
You know there's nothing that I wouldn't do
Shine your light as I reach for you

My heart beats for love
My heart beats for love
It's the sound that I hear
Tells me not to give up
It breathes in my chest
And it runs through my blood
My heart beats for love
My heart beats for love
Whoa, oh oh oh yeah

I've been told at least a thousand times
It's not worth the struggle
The hurt or the trouble
I keep running up to these front lines
No, I won't surrender
I'll wait here forever

Standing here with my flag held high (oh)
Can't you see that it's worth the fight?

My heart beats for love
My heart beats for love
It's the sound that I hear
Tells me not to give up
It breathes in my chest
And it runs through my blood
My heart beats for love
My heart beats for love
Oh, whoa oh oh oh yeah (oh yeah)

I march across this battlefield
I'm screaming out, can you hear me now?
I'm holding on, I stand my ground
I'm screaming out, can you hear me now?

My heart beats for love (ohhhhh)
My heart beats for love
It's the sound that I hear
Tells me not to give up
It breathes in my chest
And it runs through my blood
My heart beats for love
My heart beats for love (oh)

My heart beats for love
My heart beats for love
It's the sound that I hear
Tells me not to give up
It breathes in my chest (yeah)
And it runs through my blood
My heart beats for love
My heart beats for love
Whoa, oh oh oh yeah, love

Miley Cyrus - My Heart Beets For Love Şarkı Sözüne Yorum Yaz

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