Natasha Bedingfield - If You're Gonna... Şarkı Sözleri

Natasha Bedingfield şarkıcısının popüler şarkılarından If You're Gonna... şarkısının sözlerini sizlerle paylaşıyoruz. Natasha Bedingfield - If You're Gonna... Şarkı Sözleri sitemize 1 Kasım 2014 Cumartesi tarihinde admin tarafından eklenmiştir.

Natasha Bedingfield - If You're Gonna... Şarkı Sözleri

I got a short attention span
Can't sit around couch potato land
I wanna do all kinds of stuff
Talking about it's not enough

I wanna go to the extreme
I wanna stretch my limousine
I wanna take it way off road
Go where I'm not supposed to go

Life is music, play it louder

If you're gonna jump, then jump far, fly like a sky diver
If you're gonna be a singer, then you better be a rock star
If you're gonna be a driver, then you better drive a race car
'Cause I'm looking for a guard dog, not buying a chihuahua

I like my food with chilly in
I like to laugh 'til it turns in
I wanna stare fear in the face
I wanna take it all the way

Life is music play it louder

If you're gonna jump, then jump far, fly like a sky diver
If you're gonna be a singer, then you better be a rock star
If you're gonna be a driver, then you better drive a race car
'Cause I'm looking for a guard dog, not buying a chihuahua

If you're gonna jump, then jump far, just skip the umm and ahh
If you wanna hit the high notes, you gotta be a diva
If you're gonna play a guitar, you gotta play 'til you blister
'Cause I'm looking for a guard dog, not buying a chihuahua

No happy apples for my tea
It's hot or cold no in between

If you're gonna jump
If you're gonna
If you're gonna jump

If you're gonna jump, then jump far, fly like a sky diver
If you're gonna be a singer, then you better be a rock star
If you're gonna be a driver, then you better drive a race car
'Cause I'm looking for a guard dog, not buying a chihuahua

If you're gonna jump, then jump far, just skip the umm and ahh
If you wanna hit the high notes, you gotta be a diva
If you're gonna play a guitar, you gotta play 'til you blister
'Cause I'm looking for a guard dog not buying a chihuahua

Natasha Bedingfield - If You're Gonna... Şarkı Sözüne Yorum Yaz

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