Paloma Faith - Upside Down Şarkı Sözleri

Paloma Faith şarkıcısının popüler şarkılarından Upside Down şarkısının sözlerini sizlerle paylaşıyoruz. Paloma Faith - Upside Down Şarkı Sözleri sitemize 26 Ekim 2014 Pazar tarihinde admin tarafından eklenmiştir.

Paloma Faith - Upside Down Şarkı Sözleri

Angels watching over me with smiles upon their face
Coz I have made it through this far in an unforgiving place

It feels sometimes this is too steep for a girl like me to climb
But I must knock those guards right down I do it in my own time

I don't care (care care)
I'm half way there (nowhere)
On a road that leads me to straight to who knows where

I tell you what (I tell you what)
What I have found (What I have found)
That I'm no fool (That I'm no fool)
I'm just upside down (Just upside down)

Ain't got no pain (Ain't got no pain)
I aint got no rules (Aint got no rules)
I think I like (I think I like)
Living upside down (Living upside down)

Watchin people scurry by rushing to and fro
Oh this world is such a crazy place it's all about the go go go

Sometimes life can taste so sweet When you slow it down
You start to see the world a little differently
When you turn it upside down

I don't care (care care)
I'm half way there (nowhere)
And I'm just soaking up the magic in the air

I tell you what (I tell you what)
What I have found (What I have found)
That I'm no fool (That I'm no fool)
I'm just upside down (Just upside down)

Ain't got no pain (Ain't got no pain)
I aint got no rules (Aint got no rules)
I think I like (I think I like)
Living upside down (Living upside down)

(Whoa Whoa Whoa)
You gotta slow it down
(Yeah Yeah Yeah)
But then you pick it up
(Whoa Yeah Whoa)
C'mon and try a little topsy-turvy back-to-front the right way round
Take it slow slow slow (You gotta pick it up)
Yeah Yeah Yeah (See you slow it down)
Yo Yo Yo (Tell me something something)

I tell you what (I tell you what)
What I have found (What I have found)
That I'm no fool (That I'm no fool)
I'm just upside down (Just upside down)

Ain't got no pain (Ain't got no pain)
I aint got no rules (Aint got no rules)
I think I like (I think I like)
Living upside down (Living upside down)

I tell you what (I tell you what)
What I have found (What I have found)
That I'm no fool (That I'm no fool)
I'm just upside down (Just upside down)

Ain't got no pain (Ain't got no pain)
I aint got no rules (Aint got no rules)
I think I like (I think I like)
Living upside down (Living upside down)

Paloma Faith - Upside Down Şarkı Sözüne Yorum Yaz

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