Sage Francis - Slow Down Gandhi Şarkı Sözleri

Sage Francis şarkıcısının popüler şarkılarından Slow Down Gandhi şarkısının sözlerini sizlerle paylaşıyoruz. Sage Francis - Slow Down Gandhi Şarkı Sözleri sitemize 26 Ekim 2014 Pazar tarihinde admin tarafından eklenmiştir.

Sage Francis - Slow Down Gandhi Şarkı Sözleri

There once was a song called "Arrest The President."
Contemporary music, a hit with the kids, it was a top ten.
I wasn't pop then, so I missed the bus a bit,
But politics was on everybody's hot this summer list.
The cool kids were all rocking votes,
I shit you not, I was pistol whippin' cops for hip hop.

On my soap box yelling into megaphones.
Killing hard rocks using carcasses as stepping stones.
Had to promise that I'd stop holding my marches
The day that Chris Columbus got crucified on golden arches.
My pedestal was too tall to climb off,
In fact that's the reason for the high horse.
And from up here I see Marines and Hummers on a conquest;
Underdogs with wonderbras in a push-up contest,
All for the sake of military recruitment.
It felt like Kent State the way they targeted the students,
I galloped off whistling "Ohio."
The rest of them, stuck doing stand up at a cricket convention.
What would they die for? (repeat)
Is it the same machine that leaves the quality of life poor?
An abominable colony of cyborgs?
Clogging up the property that I bought with eyesores?

That clever ad campaign ain't worth
The time taken from minimum wage labor;
I don't care how half-naked or fake she looks,
She smells like dirty cash and aged paper books.
What would she die for?
Slow down Gandhi, you're killin' em
Slow down Gandhi, you're killin' em.

Now it's whistle blower vs. the pistol holder;
Case dismissed, they'll lock you up and throw away the key witness.
Justice is the whim of a judge, check his chest density,
It leaves much room for error, and the rest left to destiny.
The West Memphis 3 lost paradise,
It's death penalty vs. suicidal tendencies.
All I wanted was a fucking Pepsi.
Making you think you're crazy is a billion dollar industry.
If they could sell sanity in a bottle
They'd be charging for compressed air,
And marketing healthcare.
They demonize welfare,
Middle class eliminated,
Rich get richer til the poor get educated.

But some of y'all still haven

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