Shaded Enmity - Beneath Her Wretched Sky Şarkı Sözleri

Shaded Enmity şarkıcısının popüler şarkılarından Beneath Her Wretched Sky şarkısının sözlerini sizlerle paylaşıyoruz. Shaded Enmity - Beneath Her Wretched Sky Şarkı Sözleri sitemize 9 Kasım 2014 Pazar tarihinde admin tarafından eklenmiştir.

Shaded Enmity - Beneath Her Wretched Sky Şarkı Sözleri

I put all the miles that could make me I struggle to use this hand
If all the moons lined up to set us a perfect trait
It'll break you by first dawn
All this i should not know
Maybe she'll show mercy, Im afraid she cant
From the sickest corner of this, this feeble fucking mind
Awake the worst of my own demons to straight
Frayed by all this cursed chaos ive had by now
Take the praise and grace its run its course

Beneath her wretched sky we lie and i feel like ive lost my way
She says to me the gods received our thrilling gifts of gold
and wonder and temptress her goddess my blindness
Beneath her wretched sky
Beneath her wretched sky we lie and i feel like ive lost my way
She says to me the gods received our thrilling gifts of gold
and wonder, my blindness

Pour a fountain from my hand and a new foundation youll see
Justify the means of my purpose of very existence
Tried by gods on highest altar of arrogance
Bathe in fountain of this, my will

Beneath her wretched sky we lie and i feel like ive lost my way
She says to me the gods received our thrilling gifts of gold
and wonder and temptress her goddess my blindness
Beneath her wretched sky
Beneath her wretched sky we lie and i feel like ive lost my way
She says to me the gods received our thrilling gifts of gold
and wonder, my blindness

I crave the acceptance of those eyes that gaze down, destroy my....

Beneath her wretched sky we lie and i feel like ive lost my way
She says to me the gods received our thrilling gifts of gold
and wonder and temptress her goddess my blindness
Beneath her wretched sky
Beneath her wretched sky we lie and i feel like ive lost my way
She says to me the gods received our thrilling gifts of gold
and wonder, my blindness

Shaded Enmity - Beneath Her Wretched Sky Şarkı Sözüne Yorum Yaz

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