Skating Polly - Alabama Movies Şarkı Sözleri

Skating Polly şarkıcısının popüler şarkılarından Alabama Movies şarkısının sözlerini sizlerle paylaşıyoruz. Skating Polly - Alabama Movies Şarkı Sözleri sitemize 1 Kasım 2019 Cuma tarihinde admin tarafından eklenmiştir.

Skating Polly - Alabama Movies Şarkı Sözleri

I got my attention span from
Albama movies and
I got this little wrist band from
Correctional juvy
When we were young, when we were young
And we were robbed but this was fun
Smoke, on the water
Yeah don't, tell your doctor
We pray for the liars
Until we look smarter
Unless it's in the rain
Unless it's in the rain
I saw my very first band
Was, Broncho going insane and
I lost my head to the can was
Sane throught the membrane, yeah
When we were young, when we were young
And we were robbed but this was fun
Smoke, on the water
Yeah dont, tell your doctor
We pray for the liars
Until we look smarter
Unless it's in the rain
Unless it's in the rain
And don't you give me that look
You know that I think you adore her
And what do you think i'm blind
I can see that you obviously annoy her
And I can punch a hole in the wall
'Cus this is my roof, and my house, and my border
And don't you give me that look
You know I don't like that
And thats an order
I got my attention span from
Alabama movies
I got this little wrist band from
Correctional juvy
When we were young, when we were young
And we were robbed but this was fun
Smoke on the water
Yeah don't tell your doctor
We pray for the liars
Until we look smarter
Unless it's in the rain
Unless it's in the rain
Unless it's in the rain

Skating Polly - Alabama Movies Şarkı Sözüne Yorum Yaz

Yorum Yazma Kuralları: Skating Polly - Alabama Movies Şarkı Sözleri hakkında yaptığınız yorumlar da hakeret içeren yada onur kırıcı cümleler olmamalıdır. Lütfen sanata saygı çerçevesinde yorum yapınız. Diğer tüm şarkı sözleri yayınlarında olduğu gibi Skating Polly - Alabama Movies Şarkı Sözlerine atılan hiçbir hakaret, küfür, argo içeren yorum kabul etmeyecektir. Şarkı Sözlerine göstermiş olduğunuz hassasiyetin tüm şarkı sözleri için geçerli olduğunu unutmayınız.
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