Stevie Wonder - He's Misstra Know - It - All Şarkı Sözleri

Stevie Wonder şarkıcısının popüler şarkılarından He's Misstra Know - It - All şarkısının sözlerini sizlerle paylaşıyoruz. Stevie Wonder - He's Misstra Know - It - All Şarkı Sözleri sitemize 1 Kasım 2014 Cumartesi tarihinde admin tarafından eklenmiştir.

Stevie Wonder - He's Misstra Know - It - All Şarkı Sözleri

He's a man with a plan
Got a counterfeit dollar in his hand
He's Misstra Know It All

Playin' hard, talkin' fast
Makin' sure that he won't be last
He's Misstra Know It All

Makes a deal with a smile
Knowin' all the time that his lie's a mile
He's Misstra Know It All

Must be seen there's no doubt
He's the coolest one with the biggest mouth
He's Misstra Know It All

When you tell him he's livin' fast
He will say what do you know
If you had my kind of cash
You'd have more than one place to go, oh

Any place he will play
His only concern is how much you'll pay
He's Misstra Know It All

If he shakes on a bet
He's the kind of dude that won't pay his debt, oh
He's Misstra Know It All

When you say that he's livin' wrong
He'll tell you he knows he's livin' right
And you'd be a stronger man
If you took Misstra Know It Alls advice, oh, oh

He's the man with a plan
Got a counterfeit dollar in his hand
He's Misstra Know It All

Take my word, please beware
Of a man that just don't give a care, no
He's Misstra Know It All

Say, he's Misstra Know It All

Can his mind take a pain
Take your hat off to the man who's got the plan, yeah
He's Misstra Know It All

Every boy take your hand out
To the man that's got the plan
He's Misstra Know It All

Give a hand to the man
That you know he's got the plan, hey, hey, hey
He's Misstra Know It All

Don't you know damn well he's got the super plan, hey, hey
He's Misstra Know It All

Give a hand to the man
You know damn well he's got the super plan, hey
He's Misstra Know It All

If we had less of him
Don't you know we'd have a better land
He's Misstra Know It All

So give a hand to the man
Although you've given out as much as you can
He's Misstra Know It All

Check his sound out, he'll tell it all, hey
You talk too much, you worry me to death, hey, hey
He's Misstra Know It All

He's Misstra Know It All

Stevie Wonder - He's Misstra Know - It - All Şarkı Sözüne Yorum Yaz

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