Unkle - With You In My Head Şarkı Sözleri

Unkle şarkıcısının popüler şarkılarından With You In My Head şarkısının sözlerini sizlerle paylaşıyoruz. Unkle - With You In My Head Şarkı Sözleri sitemize 27 Ekim 2014 Pazartesi tarihinde admin tarafından eklenmiştir.

Unkle - With You In My Head Şarkı Sözleri

You keepin on a holdin',
A-holdin' on a-keepin,
No giving into taking more but still still feedin',
You're clearly disturbed,
All you want is allegiance
Hear them what you saw
You hear them what you saw
You hear them what you saw
You hear them with believin'
Oh holy holy water washing over the soul

Collecting all the people you love to sing you a song
Even if they stick to humming
Holding on a song to see them
When you're really sick-a sick-a sick of love
Leaving with their heart
To shape them within
Even if they stay to running
Hold 'em on the soul, believing
Till you wanna stick-a stick-a stick to love

When you went down, the men came callinChanging to stone as you wept from fallin
When you went down, the men came callinSpeaking in tongues we've all been summoned.
Ride, you wait to hug the shoal, you hate the thought, you're so-so.
You seem so dark to cry.

Oh, we're ready, honey
I got all the skills
You've given all our love for you
Everything you taught me honey
It never even mattered, really
It's all of our love for you

With you in my head
With you in my head
With you in my head

When you went down, the men came callinFaded in stone as you wept from fallin
When you went down, the men came callinSinging in tongues, it makes things summoned.

Oh, we're ready, honey
I got all the skills
You've given all our love for you
Everything you taught me honey
It never even mattered, really
It's all of our love for you

I hope that I'm ready, honey
I got all the skills
You've given all our love for you
Everything you taught me honey
It never even mattered, really
It's all of our love for you

Unkle - With You In My Head Şarkı Sözüne Yorum Yaz

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