Virgin Steele - Serpent's Kiss Şarkı Sözleri

Virgin Steele şarkıcısının popüler şarkılarından Serpent's Kiss şarkısının sözlerini sizlerle paylaşıyoruz. Virgin Steele - Serpent's Kiss Şarkı Sözleri sitemize 26 Ekim 2014 Pazar tarihinde admin tarafından eklenmiştir.

Virgin Steele - Serpent's Kiss Şarkı Sözleri

"If Heaven is higher and death is a dream
Cast away virtue it's not what it seems
In whiteness descending the souls steals a star
Creates a new Heaven in sin where you are"

"Sons of Cain, agonize, bring forth then die
Your children will multiply- tear Heaven down...
With a Serpent's kiss, with a Serpent's kiss..."

"Black superstition, denied by your sire
The golden elixir- promethean fire
Quick is unguarded delight in its taste
Indulge in your passion, be quick, make haste."

"Sons of pain, agonize, bring forth then die
Your sorrows will multiply and you shall share my fall..."

"Eve we were mistaken to listen to his words
Black heart and false fatal guile
Now judgement is swift, his wrath is profound
Eden is lost to us now
Driven to wander in sorrow and shame
Immortal no longer we blame you!!!"

"Bastards, forsaken cast from his grace
Bask in the light of my fall
Now suffer and weep, my hatred runs deep
The jaws of regret smite you all
From out of the mire, the filth and the fire
My legions, my furies unbound!!!
I'm no longer waiting, my eyes are not blind
My arrows streaming, carve a path through the light"

"Now you listen, now you learn of fathomless night
Cast down in wrath, cast down in flame, olympian might
Chained to Earth, my kongdom comes first
Down with you, into the fire!!"

"Wailing, screaming, roaring loud, my reign begins
'Tis better to rule than merely to serve
My hate will bring down Elysian stones... Taste the Serpent's Kiss....
The Serpent's Kiss...."

"If Heaven is higher and death is a dream
Cast away virtue it's not what it seems
In whiteness descending the soul steals a star
Creates a new Heaven in sin where you are"

"Sons of Cain, agonize, bring forth then die
Scale the walls of heaven now, and bring God to his knees
With a Serpent's kiss, Serpent's kiss... Serpent's kiss..
God shall share my fall!!!"

Virgin Steele - Serpent's Kiss Şarkı Sözüne Yorum Yaz

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