Waterboys - King Electric Şarkı Sözleri

Waterboys şarkıcısının popüler şarkılarından King Electric şarkısının sözlerini sizlerle paylaşıyoruz. Waterboys - King Electric Şarkı Sözleri sitemize 1 Kasım 2014 Cumartesi tarihinde admin tarafından eklenmiştir.

Waterboys - King Electric Şarkı Sözleri

King Electric, motor on
the King is dead, the king is gone
The King is in us, let his song
play on!

King Electric, motor on
the King is dead, the king is gone
The King is in us, let his song
play on!

I was cutting a dash down Bleecker Street
the sewer was a-staiming underneath my feet
I looked down MacDougal 'bout half a block
said to myself "That's where you come from"
I got a vision right there and then in my mind's eye
you in your finery, strolling by
Hands on your hip and your guitar case
sound of the future blowing in your face

King Electric, motor on
the King is dead, the king is gone
The King is in us, let his song
play on!

I stepped down the stairs, ventured through the door
sound nearly knocked me clean to Singapore
Black man child waltzing 'cross the stage
squeezing guitar, singing Purple Haze

King Electric, motor on
the King is dead, the king is gone
The King is in us, let his song
play on!

I remember back home, many moons ago
I had a front-room band, you should have heard us blow
We were rough as a dog, loud as sin
with a lead guitar player, name of Davy Flynn
He could play with his teeth, upside of his head
he could make that thing ring like a-raising that dead
You were his idol, you were his man
I didn't get it then Davy, now I understand

King Electric, motor on
the King is dead, the king is gone
The King is in us, let his song
play on!

'Cos you were just to early, I was just too late
You were just too fine, you were just too great
You were just too real, you were just too true
This world wasn't beautiful enough for you

King Electric, motor on
the King is dead, the king is gone
The King is in us, let his song
play on!

Keep your electric eye on me, babe
Put your ray gun to my head
Press your space face close to mine, love
Freak out in a moonage daydream, oh yeah

Keep your electric eye on me, babe
Put your ray gun to my head
Press your space face close to mine, love
Freak out in a moonage daydream, oh yeah

Waterboys - King Electric Şarkı Sözüne Yorum Yaz

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