We Are The In Crowd - Rumor Mill Şarkı Sözleri

We Are The In Crowd şarkıcısının popüler şarkılarından Rumor Mill şarkısının sözlerini sizlerle paylaşıyoruz. We Are The In Crowd - Rumor Mill Şarkı Sözleri sitemize 26 Ekim 2014 Pazar tarihinde admin tarafından eklenmiştir.

We Are The In Crowd - Rumor Mill Şarkı Sözleri

Here we go again,
It's like you're calling all the shots before I shoot them
and I hate that.
Every time I turn my back I wonder what you'll
say to make me sound like someone different

It's not worth it anymore!

We've been picking up the pieces
Leaving all the dust behind.
Sick of all the pressure
you're just wasting time
And I don't ever wanna know what it feels like
to be a shadow of myself
and I don't ever wanna come back down from this feeling
What makes you think that you know what's better for me
And I don't think you wanna see what's underneath
your made up version of me

There you go again believing
that the truth is what you're reading
Talk some shit I haven't heard before.
If you've got something to say
Don't wanna talk about it
If you need someone to blame
Don't wanna cry about it
I measure life in minutes but these critics think they've got me figured out

We've been picking up the pieces
Leaving all the dust behind.
Sick of all the pressure
you're just wasting time
And I don't ever wanna know what it feels like
to be a shadow of myself
and I don't ever wanna come back down from this feeling
What makes you think that you know what's better for me
And I don't think you wanna see what's underneath
your made up version of me

I lost the strength to keep my grip on the reality that
everything from day to day is
Fading from my memory but I'll
never let this grow
out of my control and watch your steps so
you don't fall into this hole you've dug alone

this hole you've dug alone

And I don't ever wanna know what it feels like
to be a shadow of myself
and I don't ever wanna come back down from this feeling
What makes you think that you know what's better for me
And I don't think you wanna see what's underneath
your made up version of me

your made up version of me

We Are The In Crowd - Rumor Mill Şarkı Sözüne Yorum Yaz

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