Westlife - Don't Let Me Go Şarkı Sözleri

Westlife şarkıcısının popüler şarkılarından Don't Let Me Go şarkısının sözlerini sizlerle paylaşıyoruz. Westlife - Don't Let Me Go Şarkı Sözleri sitemize 26 Ekim 2014 Pazar tarihinde admin tarafından eklenmiştir.

Westlife - Don't Let Me Go Şarkı Sözleri

So much to say
But where do I start
Would you listen if I spoke from the heart
It's simple things
That keep us apart
You know it doesn't have to be this way

Can't you hear it in my voice
You gotta listen when I say

Don't let me go when I'm this low
Why can't we talk about it
Why can't we figure it out
I wanna know as people grow
How do they sort it all out
Work out what love is about
So tell me now yeah I've gotta know
When this feeling I've got won't let go

Some people stop
And some people stare
I'm hearing whispers that you no longer care
Should I stay
Should I turn away
Stop playing games now you know it's not fair

Can't you hear it in my voice
You gotta listen when I say

Don't let me go when I'm this low
Why can't we talk about it
Why can't we figure it out
I wanna know as people grow
How do they sort it all out
Work out what love is about
So tell me now yeah I've gotta know
When this feeling I've got won't let go

You make me think I've got this feeling for you
I've tried so hard, won't you listen to me?
Cause we can make it we can see this through
Let me start by telling you

Don't let me go when I'm this low
Why can't we talk about it
Why can't we figure it out
I wanna know as people grow
How do they sort it all out
Work out what love is about
So tell me now yeah I've gotta know
When this feeling I've got won't let go

Westlife - Don't Let Me Go Şarkı Sözüne Yorum Yaz

Yorum Yazma Kuralları: Westlife - Don't Let Me Go Şarkı Sözleri hakkında yaptığınız yorumlar da hakeret içeren yada onur kırıcı cümleler olmamalıdır. Lütfen sanata saygı çerçevesinde yorum yapınız. Diğer tüm şarkı sözleri yayınlarında olduğu gibi Westlife - Don't Let Me Go Şarkı Sözlerine atılan hiçbir hakaret, küfür, argo içeren yorum kabul etmeyecektir. Şarkı Sözlerine göstermiş olduğunuz hassasiyetin tüm şarkı sözleri için geçerli olduğunu unutmayınız.
Westlife - Don't Let Me Go Şarkı Sözüne Yapılan Yorumlar

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