Whitesnake - Slow An' Easy Şarkı Sözleri

Whitesnake şarkıcısının popüler şarkılarından Slow An' Easy şarkısının sözlerini sizlerle paylaşıyoruz. Whitesnake - Slow An' Easy Şarkı Sözleri sitemize 26 Ekim 2014 Pazar tarihinde admin tarafından eklenmiştir.

Whitesnake - Slow An' Easy Şarkı Sözleri

You keep on pushing, babe,
Like i've never known before
You know you drive me crazy, child,
An' i just wanna see you on the floor
I wanna superstitious woman
An' she got a superstitious mind

I can't see you, baby,
I can't see you anymore, no more
You keep on loving me
Like i've never known before
I wanna superstitious woman
With a superstitious, a superstitious mind, an' i don't mind, baby

My heart is beating faster, babe,
It's beating like a big bass drum
You know you got me speeding, child,
Faster than a bullet from a gun
You're a superstitious woman
An' i got a superstitious mind, an' i don't care

So take me down slow an' easy,
Make love to me slow an' easy
I know that hard luck an' trouble
Is coming my way,
So rock me 'til i'm burned to the bone,
Rock me 'til i'm burned to the bone

I don't care about, oh,
I don't care about love, no more
The way you keep abusing me
Oh, i can't take no more
I wanna woman
She got a superstitious mind

So take me down slow an' easy,
Make love to me slow an' easy
I know that hard luck an' trouble
Is coming my way,
So rock me 'til i'm burned to the bone,
Rock me 'til i'm burned to the bone,
Rock me 'til i'm burned

So take me down slow an' easy,
Make love to me slow an' easy
Take me down slow an' easy,
Rock me 'til i'm burned to the bone

Take me down slow an' easy,
Make love to me slow an' easy
I know that hard luck an' trouble
Is coming my way,
So rock me 'til i'm burned to the bone...

Whitesnake - Slow An' Easy Şarkı Sözüne Yorum Yaz

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