Winter's Verge - Eternal Damnation Şarkı Sözleri

Winter's Verge şarkıcısının popüler şarkılarından Eternal Damnation şarkısının sözlerini sizlerle paylaşıyoruz. Winter's Verge - Eternal Damnation Şarkı Sözleri sitemize 26 Ekim 2014 Pazar tarihinde admin tarafından eklenmiştir.

Winter's Verge - Eternal Damnation Şarkı Sözleri

Living in fear and in hate of the world
Staying in the darkness despising himself
This man with no shadow, seeking new life
Trying to find a way to survive

Tired of being alone all the time
He watches the people who pass in the night
With no mirror reflection, just a body
That lost its soul in the past

Eternal damnation, no freedom of life
Watching the races dissolving through time
He wants to be free and connect with his soul
To climb out of death's, dark icy hole

One night as he watches from the shadows again
A woman in white has captured his stare
His eyes start to tingle, as he's frozen
And cannot move anywhere

He follows her silently back to her house
Stops at the gate and watches from outside
He waits for the moment to go near her
And give her the kiss of new life

Eternal damnation, no freedom of life
Watching the races dissolving through time
He wants to be free and connect with his soul
To climb out of death's dark icy hole

This coming night, the time is right for him
He looks and kneels before his virgin queen
The maiden screams in terror
As blood has filled her eyes
Just then the door brakes open
A man stands there in fright

"What are you doing to my bride?
You creature of the night"
"I am here to take what's rightfully mine"
"You stand no chance, you don't have the right!"
"Then I stand before you... - ready to die!"

Eternal damnation, no freedom of life
Watching the races dissolving through time
He wants to be free and connect with his soul
To climb out of deaths, Dark icy hole

Winter's Verge - Eternal Damnation Şarkı Sözüne Yorum Yaz

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