You Me At Six - The Consequence Şarkı Sözleri

You Me At Six şarkıcısının popüler şarkılarından The Consequence şarkısının sözlerini sizlerle paylaşıyoruz. You Me At Six - The Consequence Şarkı Sözleri sitemize 26 Ekim 2014 Pazar tarihinde admin tarafından eklenmiştir.

You Me At Six - The Consequence Şarkı Sözleri

Calm down she said
Consider this a warning
A souvenir for the morning
A headache that you can't fix
I said I can talk my way out of anything
But I am struggling in this emergency
This ones on your side
I said this one is on your

Ambulance I'm calling you now
Accidents bring the house down
Come on come on, you don't know me
Come on come on, you owe me nothing

Dry your eyes and stick them on ice
Give your chest a rest it's been cold your whole life
I'll have you know, the tables are about to turn
And you're going to get what what what you deserve

Ambulance I'm calling you now
Accidents bring the house down
Come on come on, you don't know me
Come on come on, you owe me nothing

Is this is it my love?
Turn it up, turn it up,
I want to hear you scream
Oh, is this is it my love?
Turn it up, turn it up,
I want to hear you...

So sing I am my own worst enemy
That's what she said to me
And I am living out your dream
So sing, I am my own worst enemy
So we can just breathe, a little more safely

Ambulance I'm calling you now
Accidents bring the house down
Come on come on, you don't know me
Come on come on, you owe me nothing

Is this is it my love?
Turn it up, turn it up,
I want to hear you scream
Oh, is this is it my love?
Turn it up, turn it up,
I want to hear you say

I've got real big plans and
Such bad thoughts
I've got real big plans

I've got real big plans and
Such bad thoughts
I've got real big plans

I've got real big plans and
Such bad thoughts

You Me At Six - The Consequence Şarkı Sözüne Yorum Yaz

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