Alyssa Marie - Elements Of Music Cypher Şarkı Sözleri

Alyssa Marie şarkıcısının popüler şarkılarından Elements Of Music Cypher şarkısının sözlerini sizlerle paylaşıyoruz. Alyssa Marie - Elements Of Music Cypher Şarkı Sözleri sitemize 25 Ekim 2014 Cumartesi tarihinde admin tarafından eklenmiştir.

Alyssa Marie - Elements Of Music Cypher Şarkı Sözleri

Paving the road, make way for the layman braving alone
The invasion to take it over to save the reign of a throne
For the sake of the underdogs still chasing a bone
To praise who gave David the stone and told him "aim for the dome"
And it's case closed, new level, truth in it too sterile
For polluted minds, choosing a dime to their true potential
Too boosted to settle or to stoop to their level
I'd rather throw a ladder down with stilts, stools and stilettos
And let 'em climb until infinity, but even with that frame of time
They probably still won't reach this side of my vicinity
The synergy of rhymes and minds they intervene inside
When they combine complete the symmetry that remedies the blind
20-20 for the mind's eye..
An adrenaline boost when I enter the booth like a sanctuary
When it grew, they threw cement on the roots til it's stationary
An adrenaline boost when I enter the booth like a sanctuary
When it grew, they threw cement on the roots til it's stationary
Evade worry, inducing a state of sedated moves in the game
But they missed the proof - the living truth they couldn't wait to bury
Alive inside of the casket, await the day til they pass and the time to climb
From the dirt through the grass and back to the surface
Alas and turn with a laugh to the mortician
"You should've check the pulse to make sure, but of course, you didn't
And it's lucky for me, your poor decision worked my benefit
And forced 'em to abort their mission well before they entered it"
Venture to the center of the earth and
Read a post-it that the devil wrote: "we relocated to the surface"
With a help wanted sign

Alyssa Marie - Elements Of Music Cypher Şarkı Sözüne Yorum Yaz

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