Alyssa Marie - Freedum Şarkı Sözleri

Alyssa Marie şarkıcısının popüler şarkılarından Freedum şarkısının sözlerini sizlerle paylaşıyoruz. Alyssa Marie - Freedum Şarkı Sözleri sitemize 27 Ekim 2014 Pazartesi tarihinde admin tarafından eklenmiştir.

Alyssa Marie - Freedum Şarkı Sözleri

Life's a bitch, feed into it and you might get full quick
But you getting half the nourishment and twice the bullshit
But you'll sit, listen and accept
Every indiscretion with a lesson missing any depth
But the shallow minded see a meal and eat it, they fail to see it
So I lift the veil and reveal the secrets concealing weakness
Steal the preachers sermon, rewrite the words and then return it
Add the fuel to a dying fire and burn
Every lie inside of the furnace and furnish the mind of those
Who finally rose out the ashes, and actually try to grow
Instead of settling, showing that as hard as it seems
You can water your seeds til your garden is green
Instead of envying the grass on the other side
Masking the fact that you managing to laugh when you wanna cry
That's the funny part of life ain't it?
They say they hate the way they living everyday but never try to change it
They just paint a pretty picture for the masses
Lack the ambition putting vision into practice
Sick of this division and subtraction
Try to take away from what I added but I'm tripling the rations
That I'm giving to the listeners who asking for the truth
What good's intention if you never actually do"
Cause passion isn't shit without the bravery
Label me a sinner til the day I see the grave then I'm saint to these
Mistakenly intelligent well intentioned and pivotal
Prevalent individuals I, see what's invisible
And listen to the silence, do the impossible
Challenge everything logical, they can take any obstacle
They're given as a way to build the strength to conquer anything
It's hard to bring the consciousness to those who taught to never think
Beyond a box they settled in, the people need some
Relief, but the freedom's misleading, Cause they're free dumb
But true knowledge has a price
I'm offering the key to open the lock, and problems to the light
But it's blinding, their eyes adjusted to the dark their used to
It's true you caught up in the who is who and start to lose you
So whose move is gonna be the one to end it?
I wonder when they're gonna bend enough break; save the "unpretentious"
Hate, take the brunt of what I say and make assumptions, but I'm done pretending
(Show is over) end the Reel (Real).. No pun intended

Alyssa Marie - Freedum Şarkı Sözüne Yorum Yaz

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