Infernaeon - Annihilating Inner Decay Of Species Şarkı Sözleri

Infernaeon şarkıcısının popüler şarkılarından Annihilating Inner Decay Of Species şarkısının sözlerini sizlerle paylaşıyoruz. Infernaeon - Annihilating Inner Decay Of Species Şarkı Sözleri sitemize 26 Ekim 2014 Pazar tarihinde admin tarafından eklenmiştir.

Infernaeon - Annihilating Inner Decay Of Species Şarkı Sözleri

Infecting the mind of the diseased
To bring forth the end that the oracle foresees
Destroying their lives, a chaotic release
A brand new holocaust, burning the deceased
Collect the dead, for a morbid feast
Feed the flames, until the goal is reached
An ageless grudge against the living
His plan for the end times, commence the killing

The diseased kill the diseased
Friend becomes foe
Decay of species
Beyond their control
Wretched creature
In angelic disguise
Takes over their minds
To begin their demise
As his plan begins
To unfold
His demonic vices
Quickly take hold
Crippling their bodies
Tainted within
His demented creations
Struggle to win

Ravenous lust for infected flesh
Eating intestines, ripping at chests
Devouring the hearts of those left living
A cannibalistic rage of death, unforgiving

Human remnants litter the earth
Corpses of children, slaughtered at birth
Butchered bodies, spoiled minds
Give way to creations of death's design

Infecting the mind of the diseased
To bring forth the end that the oracle foresees
Destroying their lives, a chaotic release
A brand new holocaust, burning the deceased
Collect the dead, for a morbid feast
Feed the flames, until the goal is reached
An ageless grudge against the living
His plan for the end times, commence the killing

The diseased kill the diseased
Friend becomes foe
Decay of species
Beyond their control
Wretched creature
In angelic disguise
Takes over their minds
To begin their demise
As his plan begins
To unfold
His demonic vices
Quickly take hold
Crippling their bodies
Tainted within
His demented creations
Struggle to win

Skinless bodies torn apart, severed at the waist
From the scattered pieces grows his malignant moribund race
Breathing in the stench of death they slowly make their way
Bringing an end to the prophecy, devouring what they crave

Infernaeon - Annihilating Inner Decay Of Species Şarkı Sözüne Yorum Yaz

Yorum Yazma Kuralları: Infernaeon - Annihilating Inner Decay Of Species Şarkı Sözleri hakkında yaptığınız yorumlar da hakeret içeren yada onur kırıcı cümleler olmamalıdır. Lütfen sanata saygı çerçevesinde yorum yapınız. Diğer tüm şarkı sözleri yayınlarında olduğu gibi Infernaeon - Annihilating Inner Decay Of Species Şarkı Sözlerine atılan hiçbir hakaret, küfür, argo içeren yorum kabul etmeyecektir. Şarkı Sözlerine göstermiş olduğunuz hassasiyetin tüm şarkı sözleri için geçerli olduğunu unutmayınız.
Infernaeon - Annihilating Inner Decay Of Species Şarkı Sözüne Yapılan Yorumlar

Infernaeon - Annihilating Inner Decay Of Species Şarkı Sözüne henüz yorum yapılmamış. Infernaeon - Annihilating Inner Decay Of Species şarkı sözüne ilk yorumu siz yaparak katkıda bulunabilirsiniz.;