Infernaeon - Oracle Of Armageddon Şarkı Sözleri

Infernaeon şarkıcısının popüler şarkılarından Oracle Of Armageddon şarkısının sözlerini sizlerle paylaşıyoruz. Infernaeon - Oracle Of Armageddon Şarkı Sözleri sitemize 26 Ekim 2014 Pazar tarihinde admin tarafından eklenmiştir.

Infernaeon - Oracle Of Armageddon Şarkı Sözleri

Gaze into my eyes and see
The end of a time, an age of disease
Spawn of the damned
Filling the seas with the blood of man,
An iron fist reigning over a helpless land

His life will be created for the purpose of death
A rotting soul entombed in rotting flesh
Tortured sadist setting free his mind
Starting the beginning of the end of time
An empire conceived through his heart bereft, of
Mercy lost within his twisted depths

Through your eyes, the future I see
But first your body, your soul must leave
I take your life to plant the future seed
I thirst for knowledge, power I need
The future is shown to me for but a brief time
I need to know more, to illuminate my mind
But for this truth I must destroy to see
A slave to my dark shadow will you forever be

Man on a pilgrimage to their final place
Of rest, condemned to burn to ashes
Calling us to join the flames
The dead consume the dead
Oracle, show me the truth
When life shall fall from this plane
Immortal, demon spawn
Tell me, when hell will reign

Armageddon is born!!!

His life will be created for the purpose of death
A rotting soul entombed in rotting flesh
Tortured sadist setting free his mind
Starting the beginning of the end of time
An empire conceived through his heart bereft, of
Mercy lost within his twisted depths

Watch as the lake of fire overflows
And the demons drown in countless souls
The carnivorous lust of waking dead
Devouring life as the river runs red
Spawn of the damned unleashes his fury
Stacking his victims, preparing to bury
The oracle has spoken the truthful word
Of an eradicated earth, scorched and burned

Infernaeon - Oracle Of Armageddon Şarkı Sözüne Yorum Yaz

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